# NAME git-annex drop - indicate content of files not currently wanted # SYNOPSIS git annex drop `[path ...]` # DESCRIPTION Drops the content of annexed files from this repository, when possible. git-annex will refuse to drop content if it cannot verify it is safe to do so. # OPTIONS * `--from=remote` Rather than dropping the content of files in the local repository, this option can specifiy a remote from which the files' contents should be removed. * `--force` Use this option with care! It bypasses safety checks, and forces git-annex to delete the content of the specified files, even from the last repository that is storing their content. Data loss can result from using this option. * file matching options The [[git-annex-matching-options]](1) can be used to specify files to drop. # SEE ALSO [[git-annex]](1) # AUTHOR Joey Hess Warning: Automatically converted into a man page by mdwn2man. Edit with care.