I am attempting to set up automatic two-way synchronization between my laptop and a server via ssh by running assistant on both machines. I want to have both machines be non-bare and unlocked. On the rhel server: $ mkdir ~/annex $ cd ~/annex $ git init $ git annex init u --version=6 $ echo This is test file 1. >testfile1.txt $ git annex add testfile1.txt $ git annex sync $ git remote add ml2 ssh://laptop/Users/username/annex $ git annex adjust --unlock $ git annex wanted . standard $ git annex group . client On my mac laptop: $ cd ~/ $ git clone ssh://server/home/username/annex $ cd annex $ git annex init ml2 --version=6 $ git annex sync $ git annex adjust --unlock $ git annex wanted . standard $ git annex group . client Everything seems to work when I manually sync. But when I run $ git annex assistant on both machines, I only get one-way automatic synchronization. Changes on the laptop are immediately propagated to the server. But changes on the server do not show up on the laptop until I manually sync. What am I doing wrong?