[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkQOUUx4LVAk6EnstSLvdv7gZc0NsRlHXw" nickname="Dave" subject="comment 2" date="2015-04-09T20:37:51Z" content=""" Sorry, joey, I haven't played with git annex on windows since my original post. I only have one new piece of information: some git annex related auto-start entry was added to the user profile of the account I used to perform the installation. I noticed this when I logged in interactively as that user... See what I'm saying? I have DOMAIN\dave.loyall and WORKSTATION\local.admin. I have to use the latter to carry out installation, via \"Run as...\", but I need stuff to be installed into DOMAIN\dave.loyall's profile or the AllUsers profile (or whatever it is called). Meanwhile, more and more of my daily work is carried out in my GNU/Linux virtual machines. I don't personally want/need anyone to prioritize windows-only deficiencies. """]]