My copy of *git-annex* refuses to sync all, namely when I try it I get the following error $ git annex sync --content --all git-annex: unrecognized option `--all' Usage: git-annex sync [REMOTE ...] [option ...] --content also transfer file contents To see additional options common to all commands, run: git annex help options This contradicts the advice on [preferred content]( set out under **difference: unused**, and I cannot see any other options in my man page that would address the lack of this option. The problem I am trying to solve is that I wish to preserve all history on the backup drives. Namely, if I do the following touch test-of-annex-backup.txt git annex add test-of-annex-backup.txt git commit --message='test: Create empty test-of-annex-backup.txt file' git annex edit test-of-annex-backup.txt echo "This line creates version 2 of this file" > test-of-annex-backup.txt git annex add test-of-annex-backup.txt git commit --message='test: Create version 2 of test-of-annex-backup.txt' git annex sync --content --all I expect to see 2 copies of `test-of-annex-backup.txt` be copied to each accessible annex repository in the `backup` group I tried googling for `"git annex sync --content --all"`, but I only find pages telling me that this is what I should use, and none saying the option has been deprecated. I am very confused, as this seems to me an almost stereotypical use of *git-annex*, and yet I cannot see how to do it thanks Andrew