[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 7" date="2013-11-03T01:09:16Z" content=""" You can set it up that way, but the often confusing behavior (including not being able to umount a drive that has the git-annex assistant deamon running in it!) is why the webapp attempt to steer users toward making bare reposotories on USB drives. If you click on \"Add another repository\" -> \"Removable drive\", you get a bare repository. If you click on upper-right menu -> \"Add another local repository\" and enter a path, and tell it to combine the repositories, you get a synced non-bare repository, and potentially problems unmounting the drive since you now have 2 assistant daemons running. I have now added a further link to the nice removable drive path to that second UI path. """]]