[[!comment format=mdwn username="hyperio" ip="" subject="Still not working" date="2014-05-17T12:22:17Z" content=""" Thank you for your reply. I copied over the public key from computer 2 to computer 1 and tried to add it using git annex enableremote box.com keyid+=[keyid]. I am then asked for the passphrase for my private key on computer 1. Afterwards I am asked for the passphrase for the private key on computer 2... why? Obviously I don't have it so I get gpg: can't query passphrase in batch mode gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available git-annex: user error (gpg [\"--quiet\",\"--trust-model\",\"always\",\"--batch\",\"--decrypt\"] exited 2) Why would I need computer 2's secret key? Or I might just get it completely wrong. Also, can the passphrase be remembered somewhere, so that I can use the assistant? (otherwise I think it won't work, because I would have to type the passphrase at every synchronisation attempt). Sorry for my confusion, thanks for your support. """]]