[[!comment format=mdwn username="konubinix" ip="" subject="And with a lots of mails?" date="2013-08-27T06:44:56Z" content=""" Hi, I have a question quite similar, but for a different purpose. I use OfflineImap for imap synchronisation, but in my current situation, I travel a lot between two places: one connected to the Internet and the other not connected. When I am connected to the Internet, I may synchronize mails, then I rsync my ~/Mail directory to a usb key so that I have access to them in the place without connection. The mails filenames may be changed as Joeyh mentioned while I read or delete them. I rsync them back to the usb key before going back to the place with Internet connection, where the OfflineImap synchronization may occur. This solution, with rsynced key, works well. But I would love a history of what was done with file names and may be able to retrieve an old mail. I figured out that that the git annex was a really good solution for that. The main drawback from my point of view is that I have around 100 000 mails (some would say that's \"[Not much mail](http://notmuchmail.org/)\"), and I am afraid that git will be quite slow with that amount of files. Did anyone experience an annexed repository with so many items it in? Best """]]