Depending on how I am getting my network connection there are cases where I want to never access a remote. BUT it depends on the network connection. For example, when I'm roaming (and paying excessively for each byte) - I really don't want my music annex to *ever* hit some site (like S3 / Glacier), BUT - I do want to be able to get from a remote (like Glacier) for my work annex. But if I'm home, then all's fair. That means I can't do something simple like blocking a particular address/IP with DNS (or whatever). Or even not having the remote listed. So... I was thinking of using `annex-cost-command` to allow me to set the cost of remotes, based on (say) my IP, but also the annex. Thus it would result in - [roaming] + [work-annex] == veryExpensiveRemoteCost - [roaming] + [music-annex] == Blocked However I still need a way to say "never, ever, ever" for the cost of some remotes. Is this possible? (With my cursory looking at the code, I can't see anything.)