This is a recreation of a stackexchange question, in case the community here is more knowledgeable. Link to stackexchange question : Content : "Maybe this is just a crazy use case that doesn't work, but I was wondering if there's a way to build a file's history from files with different file names. I'm exploring this idea because I'd like to have a git-annex system but I can't force my coworkers to adapt. Here's what I have in mind : Folder 1, managed by coworkers (On a shared disk) : drawing_shop_12_nov_2015.pdf drawing_shop_13_nov_2015.pdf drawing_asbuilt_14_nov_2015.pdf drawing_asbuilt_rev1_15_nov_2015.pdf And Git-annex, managed by me : drawing.pdf (with a shop branch and a asbuilt branch) The git-annex's drawing.pdf would have an history like this : [shop] | Commit A "Initial shop drawing" | Commit B "Add corrections from Wizzbasket" \ | [asbuilt] Commit C "Reflect as built" | Commit D "Change dweezelbox block for simplicity" But somehow the "managed by coworkers" repo would be a direct mode repo with Commit A pointing to drawing_shop_12_nov_2015.pdf, Commit B to drawing_shop_13_nov_2015.pdf etc. Can this be done?"