I just created a gcrypt special remote and got an error from (I think) `git-annex-shell`, though my local git-annex didn't complain and seemed to think the creation went okay. annex $ ga initremote ma type=gcrypt encryption=hybrid gitrepo=ssh://ma/meta/s/spw/local/annex keyid=3B6D411B (merging synced/git-annex into git-annex...) (Recording state in git...) initremote ma (encryption setup) (hybrid cipher with gpg key 0F56D0553B6D411B) gcrypt: Development version -- Repository format MAY CHANGE gcrypt: Repository not found: ssh://ma/meta/s/spw/local/annex gcrypt: Development version -- Repository format MAY CHANGE gcrypt: Repository not found: ssh://ma/meta/s/spw/local/annex gcrypt: Setting up new repository gcrypt: Remote ID is :id:icUy+qU392R5L5H7g8Yk Counting objects: 111456, done. Compressing objects: 100% (74045/74045), done. Total 111456 (delta 59312), reused 85857 (delta 33717) gcrypt: Encrypting to: -r 0F56D0553B6D411B gcrypt: Requesting manifest signature To gcrypt::ssh://ma/meta/s/spw/local/annex * [new branch] git-annex -> git-annex fatal: What do you think I am? A shell? git-annex-shell: git-shell failed ok (Recording state in git...) Further `git annex sync ma` runs go off without a hitch and the master branch gets pushed a synced/master, though it didn't get pushed on this initial creation as can be seen from the above output. Is it a bug that my local git-annex said "ok" when there was an error, or is this just a case of my local git-annex falling back to rsync instead of git-annex-shell because I didn't set up my $PATH properly on the remote? Should I be worried that my gcrypt repo wasn't set up correctly and thus can't be trusted to hold my annexed data and metadata? Thanks. Local git-annex: 5.20141125. Remote git-annex (standalone build): 5.20150113-gcf247cf.