[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" nickname="joey" subject="comment 8" date="2013-04-16T20:46:09Z" content=""" @edheil, you used to be right about the middleman. But I'm continually improving things. :) So, consider this situation: > A (client) --- B (client) ---- C (archive) If a file is created on A, inside an `archive` directory, B wants a copy, since it's not archived yet. Once B gets the copy, it sends it on the C. At that point, B notices that hey, this file was archived and is in an archive directory, and so it no longer wants its copy and drops it. (At this point A will also want to drop the file. However, it cannot! This is because git-annex requires positive, direct verification that some other repository has a file before dropping it, and A cannot talk to C to check. However, if you set C to be trusted, this verification is bypassed, and then A will be able to drop the file as well.) This support for middlemen is a new feature, which will be in the next release. You can get it in any recent nightly build. Amusingly this feature was built without writing any haskell code.. just fine-tuning the preferred content expressions! We can also consider what happens if B is set to manual. In this case, it won't automatically get the file from A. But if you manually get it, then B will send it on to C. And A will drop the file once it hears that C has it. Due to the manual mode, you'll have to manually drop it from B of course. """]]