Hi! What is the best way to add again the content of file in an direct and crippled annex repository? I'm using such a repository on a SMB drive, with no symbolic links, that's why the repository is in direct mode. For example: `/disk/annex-rep/a.bin` contains the text `../.git/annex/objects/W3/M8/SHA256E-s4701522386--e486cce01b1870cee394a376a3acc64a608e84e38b85e6c21c29721cf14328e6.bin/SHA256E-s4701522386--e486cce01b1870cee394a376a3acc64a608e84e38b85e6c21c29721cf14328e6.bin` and I've got the real content in another directory, outside annex: /disk/a.bin (contains the binary data) I imagined this process: * replace `/disk/annex-rep/a.bin` with `/disk/a.bin`` * update `git-annex:122/4b8/SHA256E-s4701522386--e486cce01b1870cee394a376a3acc64a608e84e38b85e6c21c29721cf14328e6.bin.log` by adding this repository uuid I tried `git annex reinject` but it didn't work. Is there another way?