[[!comment format=mdwn username="anarcat" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/4ad594c1e13211c1ad9edb81ce5110b7" subject="point to point?" date="2017-03-31T13:08:59Z" content=""" I wonder: could this be used to send blobs to arbitrary hosts as well? I've been looking at the problem of sharing blobs without sharing the git repository (in [[tips/semi-synchronized_remotes]]), and while we have the tor/wormhole and SSH remotes that can be (ab)used for this purpose, uftp seems like a much better fit, feature-wise. When you run: `git annex multicast --gen-address; git annex sync`, does the `sync` command exchange git refs over multicast? When you run: `git annex multicast --send`, will that work for all git-annex blobs, or just the ones that are in the local checkout? Looking at the [server usage](http://uftp-multicast.sourceforge.net/server_usage.txt), i see that multicast is the default, but that you can also unicast to specific hosts: Or in unicast mode: uftp -M host_or_ip file Where host_or_ip is the hostname or unicast IP address of the host to send to. To send only to certain hosts: uftp -H client_id_1,client_id_2,client_id_3 file_to_send or: uftp -H @file_containing_list_of_clients file_to_send Could this be used to send to arbitrary, non-local hosts on the internet? And how about tor support? Could this simplify the encrypted setup? This amazing feature just brings up more questions for me, but i'm really glad to see this come. It certainly addresses parts of [[todo/Bittorrent-like_features]], and is probably the first remote that supports bandwidth optimizations for multiple downloads, or rather, in this case, uploads. :) Thanks so much for your hard work! The feature set of git-annex never ceases to amaze me - new features just keep on coming, this is great! """]]