[[!comment format=mdwn username="Apichat" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/af7b465d7cd067b9c5acd365bdef92ac" subject="OMEMO to encrypt content end to end" date="2017-01-28T11:05:29Z" content=""" One of your argument for removing XMPP is > _it was not entirely secure, since the XMPP server saw the contents of git pushes without encryption_ But since one years there is a new way to encrypt XMPP content end to end : [OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object Encryption](https://conversations.im/omemo/) > _OMEMO is an XMPP Extension Protocol (XEP) for secure multi-client end-to-end encryption. It is an open standard based on a Double Ratchet and PEP which can be freely used and implemented by anyone. The protocol has been audited by a third party._ Here are other informations : [[https://gultsch.de/talks/omemo.html]] You can see here the xmpp clients which are using it : [[https://omemo.top]] """]]