[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2015-04-11T14:41:47Z" content=""" Josh Tripplet has some haskell bindings for libgit2 somewhere. My reasons for not using it so far include: * ABI stability; at least it used to have none. soname is 21 already.. * Josh told me parts of it are much less optimised than git. (This was several years ago, but I still imagine the git code base has much more work on speed.) * It's not even been in a stable release of Debian yet. * Adding a C library dependency will make git-annex much harder for users to get started building. * The couple of things that I could really use a git library for, like index file access and catting object contents, could be implemented just as well (and likely as fast) in pure haskell code, and would not be particularly hard to do either. There may even be suitable pure haskell libraries for them; haven't checked. """]]