[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://id.koumbit.net/anarcat" ip="" subject="comment 2" date="2014-09-14T17:38:34Z" content=""" thanks so much for your work on git-annex, joeyh. it's hard to imagine that just 4 years ago, we didn't have anything even close to this tool and how far it went since then. ~~~~ anarcat@marcos:git-annex$ pepper age Loading cache index... done git-annex is 3 years old git-annex's birthday is in about 1 month (October 19th) ~~~~ birthday is coming soon! :) it's also quite impressive how much work can be done in a single year with some (fairly minimal) funding to dedicate a full dev on a project. very inspiring - keep up the good work! -- [[anarcat]] """]]