git-annex has been using MissingH's `absNormPath` forever, but that's not very maintained and doesn't work on Windows. I've been wanting to get rid of it for some time, and finally did today, writing a `simplifyPath` that does the things git-annex needs and will work with all the Windows filename craziness, and takes advantage of the more modern System.FilePath to be quite a simple peice of code. A QuickCheck test found no important divergences from absNormPath. A good first step to making git-annex not depend on MissingH at all. That fixed one last Windows bug that was disabled in the test suite: `git annex add ..\subdir\file` will now work. I am re-installing the Android autobuilder for 2 reasons: I noticed I had accidentally lost a patch to make a library use the Android SSL cert directory, and also a new version of GHC is very near to release and so it makes sense to update. Down to 38 messages in the backlog.