[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmkBwMWvNKZZCge_YqobCSILPMeK6xbFw8" nickname="TobiasTheViking" subject="comment 7" date="2013-12-31T18:20:32Z" content=""" I think the hook running anything in shell, to interact with git annex, is a mistake. I see a lot more potential pitfalls and mistakes(especially crossplatform). It should be the existing git annex plumbing (preferred content) as you say. I just really think it should be configurable in the protocol, instead of a having to run a shell command. Since you have made this advanced protocol i really see it as a mistake to do anything between the hook and git-annex outside of the protocol, it makes much more sense to have all their interactions happen within the protocol. IMO anyways. """]]