[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://schnouki.net/" nickname="Schnouki" subject="comment 13" date="2014-02-10T18:22:55Z" content=""" First things first: in the documentation, I think `SETCONFIG Setting` should be `SETCONFIG Setting Value`. Now a few questions: - why have `SETCREDS` and `GETCREDS` have both a username and a password? I'd like to use them to store a OAuth token, but because of this I also have to store a dummy value, which seems weird to me. Is it possible to just do `SETCREDS oauth_token XXXYYY123456`? - about `PROGRESS`: my remote is sending `PROGRESS xxx` every 64kb uploaded or downloaded, but no upload/download progress is displayed by git-annex. Is this normal? Should I do it myself, or will it be done by a future version of git-annex? Joey, thanks a lot for all your work on git-annex :) """]]