[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 4""" date="2017-07-12T16:45:51Z" content=""" I've added a section with changes to the external special remote protocol. I included the Key in each of the new protocol commands, although it's not strictly neeed, to allow the implementation to use SETURLPRESENT, SETSTATE, etc. `git annex copy $file --to myexport` could perhaps work; the difficulty though is, what if you've exported branch foo, and then checked out bar, and so you told it to export one version of the file, and are running git-annex copy on a different version? It seems that git-annex would have to cross-check in this and similar commands, to detect such a situation. Unsure how much more work that would be, both CPU time and implementation time. I do think that `git annex get` could download files from exports easily enough, but see the "location tracking" section for trust caveats. I'm not clear about what you're suggesting be done with versioning support in external special remotest? """]]