[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnRRUUZo3W7pAoRoST8P_l0PtUBhvYuzDg" nickname="Lyle" subject="exactly this use case: cloud remotes too small" date="2014-01-06T00:31:34Z" content=""" I want to store a lot of scientific data in git-annex and have only a specific subset of my often used data in a box.com account so it is quickly synced between computers (my home internet has a limited upload speed). My home server will store all the files as it has effectively unlimited space. I basically want the opposite of archive for git-annex-assistant, I'd like to mark the box.com special remote to store every *except* a certain special directory called less used files or whatever, or vise-versa, only store a folder of often used files, the local clients would store everything and my home server would also store everything. It seems like transfer control and the groups.log can do this but I'm just not sure how to actually set it up? Thanks! """]]