[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkurjhi0CRJvgm7QNaZDWS9hitBtavqIpc" nickname="Bret" subject="A few OS X bugs" date="2012-09-25T00:50:56Z" content=""" Cabal update Cabal install git-annex Seemed to install correctly on OS X 10.7 After the installation, an application for git-annex showed up on my desktop. This is the wrong place to put applications in OS X. It should belong in the /Applications Folder. Launching the git-annex app, the web-browser is opened, and it tells me to make a repository. I entered /Users/[my home folder]/Annex and continued. I then got an internal server error and nothing else happened. The Error: uuid [\"-m\"] exited 127 Annex was created, and there is a .git folder in it. Checking the annex status: Bret-Air:Annex bret$ git annex status git-annex: First run: git-annex init I'll try it on 10.6 here in just a moment. Let me know if I can provide any more useful information. """]]