[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmLB39PC89rfGaA8SwrsnB6tbumezj-aC0" nickname="Tobias" subject="comment 8" date="2012-09-06T18:41:47Z" content=""" I've tried with rsync and directory(real, mountpoint, and fuse mount), no S3. Same result on all of them. Here is an strace -f http://pastebin.com/YqCbi7Ue Funny thing is that now i hitting the failure on smaller files(<500kbyte). I even did a restart because of that. To see if a clean boot would increate it back to the ~700kbyte, but it made no difference. The annex hasn't been idle since last time, but i haven't done anything major in it. In total the annex is 204mb(up from 185mb at the time of my first post about this) """]]