[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmLB39PC89rfGaA8SwrsnB6tbumezj-aC0" nickname="Tobias" subject="gpg encryption on ssh remotes" date="2012-09-01T08:25:17Z" content=""" I've been playing around with the Assistant in the last few days. And besides for gpg encryption it works great. But whenever i set up a special remote(done it manually since you hadn't made this yet) it will break, bad. Some files will transfer fine, but at some point it will still(the stdout from git-annex webapp shows gpg being stupid). I get a huge amount of [git] in my ps auxw. And two git-annex transferkey --to host --file It seems to consistently fall on a 9mb file i have. I have found no way to recover from this(killing and restarting git-annex will say 'transfer already in progress'. Deleting the file was to no avail, it still tries to transfer). I have done a lot of testing and i've only seen this on special remotes when gpg encryption is enabled(i haven't tried encryption=shared) Besides for this issue, the Assistant is looking great. """]]