[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 12" date="2013-06-27T18:11:45Z" content=""" From a mail I received: --[[Joey]] Git-annex makes it possible for me to have lots of data. Before I started using it I had a music library and a few massive tar files, none of it properly backed up, and occasionally there would be random corruption (I still have broken mp3s which jump and stutter in places) because I would carelessly cp them from HDD to HDD. So I'd avoid actually letting data accumulate; this was inconvenient in itself. Now git-annex does everything for me. Following your development blog, as a novice programmer, has been really enjoyable and interesting. My only experience of professional IT has put me of but it's good to see you working through things methodically and properly. """]]