Today is a planning day. I have only a few days left before I'm off to Nicaragua for [DebConf](, where I'll only have smaller chunks of time without interruptions. So it's important to get some well-defined smallish chunks designed that I can work on later. See bulleted action items below (now moved to [[syncing]]. Each should be around 1-2 hours unless it turns out to be 8 hours... :) First, worked on writing down a design, and some data types, for data transfer tracking (see [[syncing]] page). Found that writing down these simple data types before I started slinging code has clarified things a lot for me. Most importantly, I realized that I will need to modify `git-annex-shell` to record on disk what transfers it's doing, so the assistant can get that information and use it to both avoid redundant transfers (potentially a big problem!), and later to allow the user to control them using the web app. While eventually the user will be able to use the web app to prioritize transfers, stop and start, throttle, etc, it's important to get the default behavior right. So I'm thinking about things like how to prioritize uploads vs downloads, when it's appropriate to have multiple downloads running at once, etc.