[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawm5iosFbL2By7UFeViqkc6v-hoAtqILeDA" nickname="Laszlo" subject="comment 3" date="2013-01-03T22:23:36Z" content=""" >> I added a new directory (empty) > Sounds like you set up the repository yourself, rather than letting the assistant do it. > If so, it won't be in direct mode. You can git annex assistant--stop, > and then git annex direct to enable direct mode. I added like this: 0. no git-annex or git-annex-assistant is running 1. create directory (/mnt/dxd/annex) 2. launch git-annex-assistant 3. add repository via the webbrowser 4. copy a file over this(/mnt/dxd/annex) directory (via command line or nautilus) The file is replaced with symlink. This fix the issue: 0. stop git-annex-assistant 1. Go in the shell to that directory (cd /mnt/dxd/annex) 2. switch to direct mode (/home/looser/Desktop/download/git-annex.linux/git-annex direct) 3. start git-annex-assistant 4. create a new repository(/mnt/dxd/annex2) via the webbrowser (add repository in top right corner) 5. Now: /mnt/dxd/annex - NOT in direct mode (symlinks created instantly) /mnt/dxd/annex2 - in direct mode Im really happy I have finally direct mode running. I will surely stress-test git-annex in the coming weeks. > Restart/shutdown in the UI coming soon, I think. Awesome. > The entire git-annex configuration, include that of the assistant, > is stored in the .git/config of your reposository, and on its git-annex branch. > Deleting the repository is thus all that's needed to start over. Thank you for the answer. """]]