[[!comment format=mdwn username="fmarier" ip="" subject="My current XMPP setup" date="2013-04-28T22:16:50Z" content=""" Here's the way I currently use XMPP (Google Talk) on my devices: * I have a separate XMPP/Google account on each device (device1@gmail.com, device2@gmail.com, etc.). I keep them separate to protect the credentials of the other devices in case I lose one of the devices. * I setup git-annex to sync with a \"friend\" and have device1@gmail.com and device2@gmail.com sync with each other. I have three different repositories I'd like to manage with git-annex assistant: * R1: things I want everywhere * R2: things I only want on personal laptop and desktop * R3: things I only want on personal and work laptops So it would be great if there was a way to easily keep things separate. """]]