[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-04-09T18:15:31Z" content=""" Thanks for reporting this. Is git in your path? (Ie, can you run git from command.exe?) I notice that the page, which had this problem, was a user who neglected to have git add itself to path, contrary to what the installation instructiins say to do. So, it's not surprising that disregarding the instructions break, but this is a bad way for it to break. It would be better to at least avoid the loop, and perhaps Just Work. I don't understand why it loops.. the git-annex-webapp.vbs runs "git-annex webapp". If git-annex is not in path (because git is not in path and it piggybacks off git's path settings), that should fail to do anything. Or is Windows really sufficiently DWIM that it will search for **different spellings** of program names?! I don't see how I can add a "Start in" parameter; git-annex has no way of knowing where the user intended to install git if they didn't add git to the path. """]]