[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://svario.it/gioele" nickname="gioele" subject="comment 4" date="2014-08-13T06:40:12Z" content=""" Talking about the three possible causes for this bug, > 1) pc1 has not pushed git-annex branch to origin (or pushed it after pc2 pulled) pc1 pushes using `git annex sync -c annex.alwayscommit=true origin`. This should be enough, isn't it? > 2) pc2 has not fetched git-annex branch from origin The pc2 repository is created with `git clone localhost:/tmp/annex/Docs.git`, so there branches should all be there. I tried adding a `git fetch --all` to the script but it makes no difference. This is the list of branches in pc2: * master remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master remotes/origin/master remotes/origin/synced/git-annex remotes/origin/synced/master """]]