[[!comment format=mdwn username="anarcat" subject="thanks" date="2015-08-12T00:22:31Z" content=""" thanks for the URL for the GHC bug report, hopefully that can be worked out eventually - but i'm not holding my breath... :) as for standalone, builds for the distribution i am interested in (debian and ubuntu, mainly) are too out of date for my needs. Debian wheezy has a backport from october 2014 and jessie doesn't have a recent backport either, having only a version from november available. Ubuntu packages are also [pretty old](https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/git-annex) as well, with 3.201204 in the Precise LTS and 5.2014 in Trusty LTS... Package uploads only started resuming in Debian unstable something like a month ago (which is a welcome change). Basically, because we require 5.20150610 for the public amazon S3 support, we are stuck using the neurodebian standalone builds, so we are stuck with this bug. My feeling is that git-annex is still under rapid development, and the older versions become stale quite quickly. I know this can only stabilise over time, but this makes the standalone builds a must for my projects right now... but i understand why the C hack isn't considered at this point, thanks for looking into this again so quickly. """]]