[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2012-07-20T18:17:04Z" content=""" I see this too, on OSX, and it's another one of the hangs with the threaded runtime I've been battling recently. Removing -threaded from the Makefile or git-annex.cabal (whichever you're using) makes it work. Seems likely this one is specific to my kqueue code. Indeed, I see it entering the kqueue code and then hanging, when it should be noticing changes. Interestingly, all threads seem to get blocked, too. AHA! I had the FFI functions marked unsafe. Marking safe seems to fix that. I need to go re-read up on the FFI and when it's safe to mark functions threadsafe. Thanks as always for the OSX eyes Jimmy! """]]