[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkGCmVc5qIJaQQgG82Hc5zzBdAVdhe2JEM" nickname="Bruno" subject="comment 5" date="2013-05-30T19:38:59Z" content=""" I still have the problem :( [2013-05-30 15:36:31 EDT] main: starting assistant version 4.20130530-g2e0f464 Already up-to-date. WebApp crashed: : hPutStr: illegal operation (handle is closed) [2013-05-30 15:36:32 EDT] WebApp: warning WebApp crashed: : hPutStr: illegal operation (handle is closed) (scanning...) [2013-05-30 15:36:32 EDT] Watcher: Performing startup scan Already up-to-date. [2013-05-30 15:36:35 EDT] Committer: Committing changes to git (Recording state in git...) (started...) [2013-05-30 15:36:44 EDT] Committer: Committing changes to git """]]