After (probably, doesn't hepl anymore) adding the same file into multiple clones and syncing them back, I get a couple of these `.variant-` files. The target of these symlinks is different, but the actual file contents of the real data is the same. [[!format txt """ jkt@svist /mnt/storage5/fotky[master] $ ls -al 2011-02-05\ Svatba\ Maruška\ Pavel/jkt/cam1/IMG_8962*variant* lrwxrwxrwx 1 jkt jkt 335 Mar 3 02:08 2011-02-05 Svatba Maruška Pavel/jkt/cam1/ -> ../../../.git/annex/objects/P4/F7/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 jkt jkt 343 Mar 3 02:08 2011-02-05 Svatba Maruška Pavel/jkt/cam1/ -> ../../../.git/annex/objects/38/pG/ """]] I don't know what determines the `P4/F7/` vs `38/pG/` directory names, but I would prefer if these duplicates were not created. > I guess I'm going to close this as not a bug. [[done]] --[[Joey]]