[[!comment format=mdwn username="Stan" subject="Success / failure scenarios" date="2016-07-07T23:29:19Z" content=""" Thanks again Joey. My progress is detailed below. I can run/collect more detailed scenarios if it will help. Summary: Success with a VM on qemu. Failure with VMs on hyperv. * Hardlinks are not created for the VMs on hyperv, in spite of the VM filesystems being ext4. * This may only be associative, and not causal, but it is somewhat surprising. Yet, I am no hardlink expert. * I can however make it work if I use a VM on qemu, so far; so that is very good. Setup: * mkdir gitx1 * git init * git annex init --version=6 * git config annex.thin true * git annex fix * copy bigfile to gitx1 * git annex add bigfile * git commit -m add * ls -li Test Procedure: * unlock bigfile * ls -li Pass criteria: * ls -li shows 2 links and the inode matches the SHA file inode in annex/objects/ * gitx1 dir size is equal to one bigfile Fail criteria: * ls -li shows 1 link and the inode numbers are different: working dir compared to annex/objects * gitx1 dir size is equal to 2 bigfiles. Scenario 1: * VM arch linux * git-annex: 6.20160613-g1e4e6f4 * Host: Centos, qemu * gnome-disk-utility: QEMU HARDDISK (1.5.3) * partition: MBR * file system: ext4 * Result: Pass Scenario 2: * VM arch linux * git-annex: 6.20160613-g1e4e6f4 * Host: Win10, hyperv * gnome-disk-utility: Msft Virtual Disk (1.0) * partition: MBR * file system: ext4 * Result: Fail Scenario 3: * VM Debian 8.5 * git-annex: 6.20160524+gitg2b7b2c4-1~ndall+1 * Host: Win10, hyperv * gnome-disk-utility: /dev/...vg/root * partition: lvm * file system: ext4 * Result: Fail """]]