[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 3""" date="2017-02-02T17:46:05Z" content=""" After talking it over with the Debian maintainer, conclusion is we unfortunately missed the window to make this change. One way to still make the change would be to modify git-annex now to use an appid, but only once the date is after 31 Dec 2021 or so. So the change then has plenty of time to get into the subseqent Debian stable release (assuming the current release happens sometime in the next 1.5 years, and the one after that takes around the current average of 2 years), and also plenty of time to get into other faster moving distributions. That leaves a few years in which there's a risk that popularity of tor wormhole pairing snowballs. Currently I do think that's a low risk. Most users of git-annex with tor will likely only pair with well under 10 other repositories (it's too tedious to pair with more, and it starts not scaling well to have links to too many repositories). Pairing takes maybe 10 minutes max to do. So, each user will run wormhole for 100 minutes max. For there to be a constant load of 100 users running wormhole, needs 3600 new users every day, or 1.3 million per year. """]]