[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmhjlfoU21OiXKH_MXw75Uq5EsX7LJW5p0" nickname="Ian" subject="comment 5" date="2013-01-14T20:04:02Z" content=""" Here is the result of running `echo Foo > ~/Desktop/annex/dagon2.txt` on dagon. In dagon's daemon.log:
add dagon2.txt (checksum...) (Recording state in git...)
(Recording state in git...)
Already up-to-date.
To xmpp::ian.james.campbell@gmail.com
   0bf7dc2..0182e26  git-annex -> refs/synced/54f6febc-4791-11e2-952f-13bd7a1c79f1/git-annex
   c1e1f70..2711f11  master -> refs/synced/54f6febc-4791-11e2-952f-13bd7a1c79f1/master
(merging refs/synced/1167ef76-4791-11e2-9bfe-4319f44b8a5f/git-annex into git-annex...)
Already up-to-date.
Nothing appeared in zakaz's log. As I mentioned in the previous comment hastur doesn't seem to have a log (should this worry me?). The new file appeared on dagon and hastur but not zakaz (not even as a broken link). I tried a couple more times (dagon3 and dagon4) with the same effect. Since zakaz now appears to be the host which is playing up I then tried `echo Foo > zakaz2.2txt` on zakaz. The log on zakaz said:
add zakaz2.2txt (checksum...) gpg: cannot open tty `/dev/tty': No such device or address
gpg: cannot open tty `/dev/tty': No such device or address
(Recording state in git...)
(Recording state in git...)
gpg: cannot open tty `/dev/tty': No such device or address
gpg: cannot open tty `/dev/tty': No such device or address
and dagon:
(merging refs/synced/552d29fe-4a86-11e2-819a-9f61585ee7a2/git-annex into git-annex...)
(Recording state in git...)
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 zakaz2.2txt |    1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 120000 zakaz2.2txt
(Recording state in git...)
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
(merging refs/synced/1167ef76-4791-11e2-9bfe-4319f44b8a5f/git-annex into git-annex...)
(Recording state in git...)
Already up-to-date!
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
Already up-to-date.
To xmpp::ian.james.campbell@gmail.com
   d220ce6..4e8647f  git-annex -> refs/synced/54f6febc-4791-11e2-952f-13bd7a1c79f1/git-annex
   b2a84e4..ef0a200  master -> refs/synced/54f6febc-4791-11e2-952f-13bd7a1c79f1/master
However zakaz2.2txt is a broken symlink on both hastur and dagon. """]]