[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 3" date="2013-01-14T17:40:51Z" content=""" `git annex sync` cannot sync xmpp remotes. Only the assistant can do that. So that's a red herring indeed.. I've replicated the same setup with 3 repositories all paired using a single jabber account. In my test, all 3 stay in sync, with any change to one git repository being synced to the other 2. I checked the XMPP sync protocol, and it doesn't use the UUIDs at all for XMPP syncing, so the fact that `.git/config` only has the UUID of one of the two repositories that is accessible via XMPP in this case, should not matter. That is, though, why the webapp only shows one of the other two repositories; it's using that UUID information. Dagon seems to be where the problem is occuring; it's not managing to sync out its changes via XMPP. I think the thing to do is create another new file on dagon, and look at its `.git/annex/daemon.log`. You should see two xmpp pushes happen, which would look rather like this:
To xmpp::you@gmail.com
   a7549be..011ccc2  git-annex -> refs/synced/9346f5a8-5e63-11e2-bd8b-77356d7f5bd0/git-annex
   3acca89..5123067  master -> refs/synced/9346f5a8-5e63-11e2-bd8b-77356d7f5bd0/master
Counting objects: 12, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (7/7), 622 bytes, done.
Total 7 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
To xmpp::you@gmail.com
   a7549be..011ccc2  git-annex -> refs/synced/9346f5a8-5e63-11e2-bd8b-77356d7f5bd0/git-annex
   3acca89..5123067  master -> refs/synced/9346f5a8-5e63-11e2-bd8b-77356d7f5bd0/master
If you don't see both pushes, maybe you'll see a useful error message. """]]