[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-10-12T16:49:11Z" content=""" Seems your guess is right: joey@darkstar:~/tmp/b4/b>sudo chown root.root -R .git/annex/fsck/4625a6de-d8f5-4036-83a5-6e202ad346da/ joey@darkstar:~/tmp/b4/b>git annex fsck --incremental-schedule 182d sqlite worker thread crashed: SQLite3 returned ErrorCan'tOpen while attempting to perform prepare "SELECT null from fscked limit 1": unable to open database file git-annex: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation So, fix the owner/permissions (or delete .git/annex/fsck) and you should be good to go. Cleaned up the error message about the MVar, which is something of a red herring. BTW, I double-checked, and core.sharedRepository is honored to set the mode of the fsck database file, so can be used to share a repo amoung multiple users. """]]