[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkSq2FDpK2n66QRUxtqqdbyDuwgbQmUWus" nickname="Jimmy" subject="comment 2" date="2012-06-05T14:07:26Z" content=""" FYI, (the follow is on OSX 10.7 on two different machines) On my 64bit install of haskell platform... laplace:~ jtang$ ghc -e 'print System.Info.arch' \"x86_64\" On my 32bit install of haskell platform... x00:git-annex jtang$ ghc -e 'print System.Info.arch' \"i386\" Running _cabal build_ or _cabal install git-annex_ as you suggest with the 32bit install does do the right thing. """]]