[[!comment format=mdwn username="zarel" subject="comment 5" date="2016-04-24T15:31:05Z" content=""" I exported GIT_TRACE and discovered that the assistant is re-adding to git the small files everytime I run it. Below there's a link to the trace (with filenames removed). All the files are not matching the annex.largefiles expression (which is okay), there are no duplicates (i.e. it's not a \"I'm adding the same files in the same run\" problem) and all of them were already added the first time I ran the assistant and are not new to git and git-annex as they are not shown in \"git status\" or in \"git annex status\". The daemon.log is pretty brief: [2016-04-24 12:49:31.129582] main: starting assistant version 6.20160418 No known network monitor available through dbus; falling back to polling (scanning...) [2016-04-24 12:49:55.098167] Watcher: Performing startup scan [2016-04-24 12:58:51.667861] Committer: Committing changes to git (recording state in git...) [2016-04-24 13:08:25.154713] Committer: Committing changes to git (recording state in git...) You can find the trace here: As you can see it almost takes ten minutes before reaching the first git-add. My git-annex version is now 6.20160418 and the git one is 2.8.0, what version of git did you use when tracing? I can try to reproduce in a different environment (e.g. Debian stable with backports) if it can be useful. Cheers, David """]]