[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-11-10T15:36:15Z" content=""" Well, it's definitely an oversight that it still fails like that when ~/.ssh can't be created. I fixed that earlier for the ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell creation but missed doing the same for the ~/.ssh/git-annex-wrapper creation. Now fixed. ---- It might have been better to put these files someplace else like ~/.config/git-annex (although that's only a standard location on Linux and this is also done on OSX) or ~/.ssh/git-annex/ (which the assistant puts keys in so I think would be a better choice). Transitioning to a new location now would require writing them to both locations long enough for all current git-annex assistant users to upgrade. I don't know how long that would be. The utility in moving the files down 1 directory level does not seem worth the disruption. I also sympathize with not wanting those when not using the assistant. But, this is intended for users who are using the standalone builds to get git-annex installed on a server to use with the assistant. People have no end of difficulty getting git-annex-shell into PATH (bash actively makes this exceedingly difficult by refusing to read any config files for noninteractive shells), and so these files avoid a particularly newbie class of users struggling with that problem. So, the idea is they unpack the tarball somewhere, and run runshell, and can see git-annex working on the server, and then the assistant magically can talk to that git-annex server without them needing to worry about how. This is why runshell is standing in for an installation process. Adding another, more explicit installation step for this class of users is just going to reduce the number who get git-annex installed on servers, I fear. --- But, /usr/lib/git-annex.linux/ .. this is the git-annex-standalone.deb isn't it? Since debs are a much better way to get things into PATH and get dependencies installed etc, there's certianly no reason for the runshell in the standalone deb to do this installation. So, I've fixed that.. Enough to close bug? """]]