[[!comment format=mdwn username="dermungo@19d0cb1f22d4169b48363cfff60c9ede2c14fffa" nickname="dermungo" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/4f4b91e2275a6673506e2990a4f96270" subject="Work around" date="2017-01-13T14:54:40Z" content=""" Perhaps other people knew this already, but I thought I would post it here in case someone else has trouble finding a solution to this issue. I use a global gitignore that ignores most of the files I want to have in my annex. The solution was to override my global .gitignore according to this answer at SO by creating a .gitignore in the annexed repo with the pattern ``` !* ``` Now it automatically adds everything (except dotfiles) when running `git annex add $DIRPATH`. """]]