[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 2" date="2014-08-12T19:37:56Z" content=""" This is not gpg trying to decrypt some file from the S3 remote. It is trying to decrypt the creds that embedcreds=yes caused to be stored in the git repo. I was able to reproduce this using your command line, with the S3 env vars set while running initremote, and then unset for the copy, which causes git-annex to try to get the creds from the git repo, and decrypt them. However, since encryption=shared, the encryption key is stored in the git repo, so there is no point at all in encrypting the creds, also stored in the git repo with that key. So `initremote` doesn't. The creds are simply stored base-64 encoded. I have fixed this. I will now move this thread to bugs so I can close it. """]]