[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2014-10-31T20:45:41Z" content=""" This is a rsync protocol level error; one side is sending something that the other side fails to deal with. We can see in your log that the two rsync are communicating successfully over the ssh connection at first. This could be something not clean about your ssh connection, or some incompatability in the versions of rsync or git-annex between the client and the server. It probably wouldn't hurt to make sure client and server have the same rsync version, and perhaps upgrade them both to the newest git-annex in case this problem is somehow fixed there. Then, seems to me that the next step is to get git-annex-shell out of the picture and see if you can still reproduce the problem. You can find the rsync command that git-annex-shell runs by passing --debug to it. The just replace the git-annex-shell command in your python code with the rsync command it runs. Here's a shell command line I came up with by doing that. It will have different paths for your repo, and localhost will need to be changed to your server's name.
rsync --progress --inplace --perms --debug=all -e 'ssh  -4 -T localhost "rsync --server -t --inplace -e.Lsf . //home/joey/annex/.git/annex/tmp/SHA256E-s30--bdce956a335681853344fce6f1f940a5c8b7061007398661a3b14f2037843744" dummy rsync --server -pe.Lsfx --log-format=X --debug=ALL --inplace . .'  /tmp/annex/.git/annex/objects/Wx/Mf/SHA256E-s30--bdce956a335681853344fce6f1f940a5c8b7061007398661a3b14f2037843744/SHA256E-s30--bdce956a335681853344fce6f1f940a5c8b7061007398661a3b14f2037843744 dummy: