[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2013-01-08T18:35:58Z" content=""" Since your local repository is in the client group, this behavior is actually as intended. Client group means the [[preferred_content]] settings will try to get the content of all files, unlless they're in a directory named \"archive\". This happens not just when you rename a dropped file, but on startup, when the network comes up, or even just periodically it'll notice if some file's content is missing and download it. So, your choices are 1. Make an `archive` directory, and move files into it when you don't want them available locally. The assistant will even automatically drop them when you move them. 2. Use `git annex vicfg` to set up your own [[preferred content]] expression that makes it behave how you want. For example, you could use `present` to make the assistant not prefer to have the content of files, unless the content is already present, and then manually `git annex get` and `git annex drop` files as desired. (BTW, you can use \"drop\" in direct mode with yesterday's release.) """]]