[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-04-04T19:45:03Z" content=""" I see that you're using `reinit` .. so are you sure that the UUID you reused there or at some other time did not belong to a remote that had previously been marked dead? I mean, reusing UUIDs of dead remotes (or just generally reusing UUIDS at all) seems like the most obvious way to shoot yourself in the foot and get into something resembling this sitation. Your transcript seems to show one git-annex info in the ~/mp3 repository listing the remotes, and a subsquent git-annex info in the ~/mp3 repository not listing the remotes, with no commands in between that touch that repository in any way. This makes me suspect something is being left out somehow. Are you using the assistant or something? You can see which remotes have been marked dead by `git show git-annex:trust.log | grep X` """]]