[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnXybLxkPMYpP3yw4b_I6IdC3cKTD-xEdU" nickname="Matt" subject="comment 2" date="2014-04-27T19:19:22Z" content=""" I'm having a pretty bad time with gcrypt based repos. Seemingly at random a `git-annex sync` will occasionally decide that the remote repo doesn't exist and then attempt to create a new one - it generates a new gcryptid and the repository seems lost. This sometimes happens after a good few hours of use, sometimes it happens immediately after creation (but maybe due to the fact that annexs are sullied by previous bad attempts). I've cleaned up making the repo dead, removing via `git remote` and editing the remote.log in the git-annex branch. No idea if that's enough. What do you need from me to try to sort this? Cheers, Matt. """]]