[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://bigasterisk.com/" nickname="Drew Perttula" subject="comment 6" date="2013-07-25T05:36:07Z" content=""" Here's how little it takes for things to go wrong: ---- First host: bang(pts/17):~/annex% git init Initialized empty Git repository in /home/drewp/annex/.git/ bang(pts/17):~/annex% git-annex init init ok (Recording state in git...) bang(pts/17):~/annex% git-annex webapp --listen ---- Second host: dash(pts/34):~/annex% git init Initialized empty Git repository in /home/drewp/annex/.git/ dash(pts/34):~/annex% git-annex init init ok (Recording state in git...) dash(pts/34):~/annex% git-annex webapp --listen Browse to first URI. Add another repo. Local computer. Enter 'qwerty'. Browse to second URI. Respond to pairing request. Enter 'qwerty' again. View both dashboards: http://bigasterisk.com/post/git-annex-bad-pair.png """]]