[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://bigasterisk.com/" nickname="Drew Perttula" subject="comment 5" date="2013-07-25T05:14:12Z" content=""" BTW \"go enter it into the computer you want to pair with\" is a very frustrating instruction to read. Every time I try to do a pairing and I encounter that, it's telling me \"now it's time for you to guess what to do, so this is probably where you'll screw things up.\" I have no idea where to enter that secret phrase. I would also like to know if 'asdfasdf' is a good secret phrase or not, presuming the two computers are both on my internal network. Does the secret matter later or is it just used for a minute? So far, I keep getting blank repo names with the NoUUID edit url, or I fail to accomplish a pairing at all. """]]